God im tired, that is my war cry just now
I must say this oh at least 100 times a day......
but i cant sleep, well not true I am sleeping, but im dreaming, screaming and thats not a good sleep.
Saw my h.v yesterday, I sometimes wonder if id be here if it wasnt for her,
In fact I know I wouldnt, she understands me better than me, she knows when im hurting, when im pretending to be fine, but im not, she knows what im saying without me speaking,she knows when im sad or tired or just having enough, im lucky thats for sure.
I suppose i must be very lucky, as I have a psychologist with the same ability, I dont need to speak yet these people seem to know what im saying, what is screaming out of me and what i am to afraid to say,maybe every one who cared to look would too.
I know when i say things i cant take them back, so id rather not say them, id rather try and forget, but the forgeting is not working, in fact the opposite seems to be true, Im not forgetting, Im remembering and reminded of more and more each day, and thats just not good.
Im assured im getting somewhere, im assured im doing well,
Im assured im getting "better" and im assured there will be light at the end of the tunnell, I didnt even know the tunnell had an end!!!!
Is this what learning to survive is all about, is it learning to accept, or is it learning to forget, or is it just learning,
Maybe i should concentrate on the future, which i can change and have control over instead of living in the past, which i have no control or method to change,
But people say it is the past, but to me, it feels like the here and now, the present and im stuck, what if i start to change? What will i be like?What will life be like? Ive only known life like this, anything else is scarey, though maybe not as scarey as this life, though even though I live scared, and terrified and sad and unhappy and disgusted with me, at least i know what its like, i know what to expect, sometimes not knowing at all is worse,
Mmmmm that probably makes no sense to anyone, but hey it does to me!!!
Time to go and have a good day hopefully,well as long as i remember to breath, and come back now and again, to check all is well around me, the rest of the time, ill float, im good at that.............very good at that.....