Im told to trust
Nothing will be done behind my back....
yeah right
Im so angry and scared, worried and confused
did you phone my husband when i was with you
Why did the h.v phone my husband when she knew i was with the psych
so what does that achieve
I dont know what was said!!!!!!!!
Will i ever, i can only imagine
He needed to go back to work, I needed him to go back to work
Not for him for me too
He needed the normality returned i needed the normality returned
Lesson learnt say nothing, do nothing and trust no oneThe line was crossed today more than ever before,
the huge line and i feel exposed, emotionall, drained, confused,
and everything all over again,
WHY WHY WHY did this happen,
I was always told id be made aware was i fuck!!!!!!!!
im so so angry but no more will i trust no more will i listen and no more will
i ever talk
And the truth he is laughing, laughing, laughing and you might not hear it, you might not want to,
But i do, i knew what his capability was.....
I warned everyone, told everyone and now, they have done what they said they wouldnt
ther is One word in my head, heart and sole just now,to sum it up, one little word well two really and it is DONT TRUST
my journey with those i trusted has ended NOW
I might have jumped to the wrong conclusion, though it would seem not
why did i trust and listen, im so so sad to think that one phonecall behind my back, the dr would let him go back to work we all know this, so what was said, my poor man needs to get back to his work, will it be so usefull when he loses his job, then where will we be,
I was looking forward to seeing my friends again, making a go of it with just me n the kids again, getting some pressure to get on, not having thinking time, and you have both taken that away from me,
Is that what you talked about on the phone, planningwhat way to next assualt, i may be so so wrong here, though that is how it feels, that is what it is saying to me, and to be honest im more shocked and OHHHHHHHHHHH why was i soooooo stupid, yeah mock me and laugh all you want as always you get the last laugh,always always,
I truley cant believe that the phone call of which i know litte about happened,as it is obvious more was discussed that was said to me, though did i not say i was on the ball and you were all changing the scent, why deny that,
Am i just a game, to be played and toiled with????
Is it fun???
I truly truly trusted, i often wished, and i mean often that one of you were my mother, i even hoped one day in my distress you would one of you two feel it in you to care and cuddle me,to cross the line, just to comfort me to show me i was capable and deservant of a cuddle,
but why do it, why not speak to me, I was in the same fuckin building,
when that call was made i was rooms away, is that easier???????????
enough is enough and the line has been crossed,
maybe its time to cut my ties with you all OHHHHHHHH im so sad at this
and angry and if ive blew all to pot then understand why
The hv phoned my husband when she knew i wasnt in,
Am i not meant to feel paranoid at this, am i after the discussions we have had
after the lessons ive been taught in the past,
Supposed to assume it was innocent, How can i???
Im not angry as such im hurt that if something was said
Scheming was done, confidences betrayed that someone i trusted so much
could do this. When they know how hard it was for me to trust to begin with
When they know how difficult i find it to trust
When they know the importance of keeping of words
you can do what you want in the world, just always keep your word n a promise
And right now im scared and hurt and feel humilated that i maybe trusted the wrong people