I'm fine

I'm fine

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

I don't want to feel this way

I want to feel happy
 I want to feel real
 I don't want to feel sad
 yet I should be happy to feel

 I hate that the cutting
 somehow stops the pain
 frees my mind and hides his name

 I can't do these flashbacks no more
 I can't see me there, his little whore
I'm sick in my stomach from pretending it's good
 nothing will remove that no matter how much food

 I hate this still happening
 it should be well gone now
 but even with the flash carwe
 when on my own don't know how

 I have no one to turn too
 I'm scared they get bored
 of the same old, same old, same old

 my husband left me
walked out on us all
 people kept saying I should have a ball
 how could I, without the only man who knows
 I felt sad and scared
 but much to prove,
now he has came back I don't know what to do
 I look at it with hate in my heart from what he done
 he left me to rot to fail to be a mother on my own
 now I'm scared to love him again
 to trust him like I've never trust men
 I'm scared he has lied and cheated to me
  scared he will do it again, we will see

 for now I'm stuck, stuck in this place
 wanting to die, to cut or be numb
 wanting to think, without feeling a whore
 wanting to live without fear outside the door
 wanting to be normal, wanting to be sane
 but that's never gonna happen,
never gonna be
 I'm a whore I'm dirty and that's just me...

About Me

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Im a women who is slowly learning to survive, who is taking a journey into the past in order to gain a future. I have ptsd, bpd and suicidal ideation. I often wander if i would have any of that if it wasn't for the mess, the past.